Hobart John
Marie's Ebert family page 01
This page is about Marie's family, the Eberts. There is some new info, an image and a Link to sounds of voices at the bottom of this page.
The Ebert line is mainly in Germany. Every year in October we Queenslanders hold a gathering of the Eberts in Sweeney Reserve in Petrie which is about 20km north of Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland. This year (2003) there was a good attendance on a fine cool day. In the park there is a big wooden plaque mounted near seven trees that were planted
This is the sign board in the park - Ebert Place |
Part view of happy people showing a Red plaque and tree |
to represent the seven family groups. Each of these families is represented by a colour. Relatives come from afar, various states of Australia and sometimes from Germany. Various people keep a watch on the trees and tend them occasionally.
The Ebert Reunion was held again on Sunday the 12th of October 2003.
Year 2004 with a couple of photos of Dick Linkins in Neckarsulm.
Year 2004 re_union and photos
Year 2005 Special event At Pine Rivers Museum in July about four families history.
Year 2005 re-union and photos another great day
The first Reunion photos I took here
Red Doug Perry |
Blue Ian Ebert |
Purple Betty & Hedley Adams |
Orange John Stephenson & Wallace Young |
The plaques were unveiled in the order that the thumbnails are shown here. Red, blue, purple, orange, yellow, green and the last one brown. I hope I have the correct names in the correct places. Click on a thumbnail to see its bigger photo. |
Yellow Dick Linkins & Des Eccles |
Green Henry Ebert, Doreen Lloyd & Dulcie Crouch |
Brown Allan Sutherland |
Here are photos of two of the plaques which are fixed to the top of the hip high wooden posts as seen above.
The Red Branch plaque |
The Green Branch plaque, Marie's branch |
Below are four photos of three of Marie's brothers and James' wife, Helen. These were taken by Noel Ebert who has given me permission to use them here. Thanks again Noel. They are not thumbnails.
James |
Brian |
Helen |
Ron |
Below is a photo of Marie, her sister and six brothers which was taken at last year's gathering, 2002.
who is the oldest on the left. Then Nicky, Judy, Ron, Eddie, James,
Lindsay and Brian on the far right.
At this stage I don't intend that this Web page be a genealogy document. That may come another year. Presently it's just a collection of a few photographs taken on the day. For those who are interested there is an excellent book called Nikolaus and Christina Ebert 1863 to 1999. Seven Branches for Seven Families which was compiled by Judy Dohle and Robyn Brough.
Here is a photo of all eight siblings and spouses taken in December 2004, I hope I have all names correctly spelt.
to right; Ron,Bonnie, yours sincerley, Marie, Eric, Judy, Lindsay,
Annette, Denice, James, Helen, Edward, Margaret, Nicholas, Lyn and
Sounds of the Eberts
As part of my project about archiving data, our personal families images, documents and sounds I am putting some on my Web site, at the moment downloadedable from this page. For some insight about my Archiving Project you can read about it on this page
sounds are in MP3 format which most people should be able to use. I
recorded the sounds on reel-to-reel tape after 1960 and have since
dubbed them onto cassette tape and now onto CD-R.
In 1985 Marie and I took mum (Jean) and dad (Nicholas) Ebert with us to Rockhampton. This sound of their voices plays for a few minutes which is about 1.1mb in file size. I have much more sound of mum Ebert when we took her to Adelaide in 1990. I have not converted it to MP3 yet but it will be a much bigger file so could take 10 minutes to download.
Come back here to check what I have put on the page. Our October the 10th 2004 gathering at Sweeney's Park should be as good as usual. See you there.
I would be glad to hear from any Eberts who are archiving sounds and images who may like me to include them on this page.
My E-mail address is
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