Hobart John
Archiving For The Future! Visit or Cine... Web site.z
From VHS tapes to CD/DVD on my next page
would like to show/advise people how to go about sending personal
information on to relatives and friends in the future. When a person
dies there needs to be some information readily available so the
people concerned know where to find the information.
At the right can be seen my sound equipment from which I archive. Now in June 2006 I am archiving video from our own personal VHS tapes. The first I have is dating back to 1986 of our daughter, Maria who married David Field in Toowong in June 1986. I have installed an analogue capture card in my PC11 a 2.4gHZ PC. The old horn sound reproducer can be seen at the right.
In the meantime information needs to be handled in a certain way. How to restore, archive, update information format. This is in relation to two groups. Sight/vision and sound. I will hopefully be making PDFs on my efforts to capture VHS video from VHS tapes. Come back some time and check.
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So far I have printed seven booklets about archiving which can be downloaded from my Web site. I will add more as time permits.
To download the first PDF file a very basic one to get people started, size is 106kb.
To download the second PDF file the next few steps,for a view resolution small 130 kb size file.
To download the second PDF file the next few steps,for a normal but bigger 195 kb size file.
To download the third PDF file this file is about 170kb.
To download the fourth PDF file this file is about 136kb.
To download the fifth PDF file is a high definition file about 240kb which continues from #4
To download the fifth PDF file is a low definition file about 152kb which continues from #4.
To download the sixth PDF file is a high definition file about 235kb which continues from #5.
To download the seventh PDF file is a medium definition file about 208kb which continues from #6.
My Talks
I have given talks/demonstrations on Archiving Sounds. Sounds from cassette tapes, records and other media. One is a small two page A4 sheet which is available for download. It is a PDF about 127kb so is small.
If you do not have a PDF application to read PDF files you can get one from Adobe's Web site Adobe's Web site. For those using Linux there should already be a PDF reader of some type installed on your Linux system. For Apple users I think Adobe's can help. Another PDF reader is Firefox which can be obtained for free from their Web site. The later PDF I made using OpenOffice.org (OOo) which is what I use to build my Web site pages.