Hobart John
Marie's page #04 My Field Day
Marie specialises in succulents and cactus
Edited 01-Oct-2003
On Sunday the 14th of September it was my turn to put on another Field Day as a member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of Queensland (CSSQ). Our Society holds a Field Day almost every month. It was a sunny day with a heavy breeze. It was two years since I held one and I was very pleased with the attendance. A few people came down from the Toowoomba area and one from Gympie. My grandchildren manned the sales table and did an excellent job. My champion Pachypodium namaquanum did me proud by flowering for the day. A few photos follow taken by our daughter Maria. Also some taken by Paul Kaluschke who I thank very much so click to see those which are on the next pages. If there are any misspelt plant names please forgive my darling John as he is not a succulent grower.
To see a bigger photo of the thumbnails below, double click on the thumbnail. It will Open in your Web Browser of a Paint/Photo application depending how your software is set up. Enjoy!
Marie thinking |
Under our Panorama lounge looking to cactus house |
More of the cactus house can be seen |
Grace, Christian and Madeline my sales staff |
Looking from cactus house to house |
Part of in ground planting inside cactus house |
Christian my salesman |
More keen viewers |
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