Hobart John
John's Computer site
In days past, a little of my computer history.
Our son John bought a SC/MP kit during his last year at high school which he built up without much of my help.
got me interested and taught me machine language (ML) which I
enjoyed. Since then I stepped up to a VZ200/300 then to a 80286 AT
which had 256Kb of RAM.
Below is a photo of my VZ computer station. There is a short article which a friend Bob Kitch wrote about VZ clubs and magazines. Click to read it
VZ200 and VZ 300 computers was a big part of our business for a short few years. I hope to have links to VZ Web sites soon.
From there as most of us did was to upgrade a 80386 motherboard then to 80486 and later Pentiums.
I have done all of the various soldering and hardware work myself which really was just an extension of my electronics expertise [;>).
At the present I run M$ Windows 95 and 98 and GNU/LINUX Mandrake 8.0.
These are installed on different computers which are all old Pentiums, a P100, P166 and P200MMX.
As most of my friends know I do not
use Microsoft software if at all possible other than the Operating
Systems. Naturally
I used MS DOS and for awhile 4DOS. Also W3.1, OS/2 Warp, W95 and W98.
I dual boot to GNU/LINUX Mandrake on this machine where I'm typing
this text. I have tried various distributions (flavours) of GNU/LINUX
but conclude that the installation of GNU/LINUX is still not as easy
as MS Windows but the gap is almost closed.
It is almost necessary to be a technical or nerd type of person to get GNU/LINUX working in all it's splendour. Once accomplished the system is so versatile and of course GNU/LINUX is almost crash-proof, not like MS Windows. I have had GNU/LINUX crash I think three times in the five years I have used it, great!
I use Pegasus Mail and JBMail for E-mail, Opera for the Web, The GIMP, PaintShoPro and Irfanview for image editing, 602Pro word processing and HTML, GreenStreet DTP plus various others.
Some of the above I need to edit as my setup has changed.
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